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In 2024 I?

By: Nadine Judge

When I looked at this title, I was caught a little off guard. I had not considered what I would be focusing on in 2024. I was simply trying to finish 2023 strong!

I must admit that in looking back at 2023 there were good things. My grandson was born, my husband and I celebrated 28 years of marriage, my character grew through some challenging moments, and some friendships were strengthened.  

What fascinated me is how much hope is expressed when people anticipate the new year. Things like “this year has to better than last year” or “I like even number so 2024 should be a good year.”  There are many more hopeful things people say when looking to the new year, but is this realistic?

The new year means you become one year older – which when you are in your teens or early twenties does not seem too bad, but as you get older, this becomes a reality. Your car (if you have one) depreciates, your rent invariably goes up – living space or office space – unless you own those things. Owning a house or office space means upkeep, and as your house gets older, some more upkeep is required!

Now, I am not wanting to be a “doomsday” agent, but what is it that we “hope will be better” in every new year?

Now that is a question that only you can answer, but ninety percent of the time, it will require some action from you. Action comes at a price – convenience, comfort, finance, or pride. You need to decide if you are willing to pay that price.

IT’S 2024

My husband (Francis) and I had the privilege of going to Southbroom in Kwa-Zulu Natal during the period just after Christmas and into the New Year. We got to spend this time with particularly good friends of ours who are missionaries (yes, you still get them) in Zimbabwe. In one of our conversations the question was asked: “What does success look like to you?”  Well, my brain started running at one hundred kilometers per hour. While my brain was going at a rate of knots, my dear husband says, without a moment’s hesitation: “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we cannot take anything with us when we leave it. So, if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.” (1 Tim 6:6-8 NLT).

Wow, this blew me out of the water.


What a unique way to look at success! Our natural inclination is to say all sorts of different things which would represent success, and yet, look at this. Godliness with contentment is great wealth. I love how the Word of God changes our perspective on things.

The word “Godliness” can scare us. There seems to be so much that is demanded of us to be Godly. But look at this. The Greek word for “Godliness” has the sense of: “a proper response to the things of God, which produces obedience and righteous living.”  Now this makes sense. Remember, any new year’s resolution comes at a price, what price are we willing to pay?

The second part of the verse states that we brought nothing into this world, and we will take nothing with us when we leave. Remember, any new year’s resolution comes at a price, what price are we willing to pay?

In my mind, I would rather pay the price to invest in what will last for me in this lifetime and in the next, than those things that are fleeting.

To be obedient comes at the cost of our own sense of lordship over our lives. It is giving God complete Lordship in our lives and walking in obedience to Him. That produces faithfulness.

If you listen to the latest preach (Francis Judge – The little foxes) on our Venture Church website ( he used the phrase: “Faithfulness is spelled, Consistency.”  

What a thought. If I am consistent in obedience to the Lord and look to live a life that is pleasing to Him, which I need to do consistently, not just when it is convenient, comfortable or will not financially cost me., then I can live a Godly life.

Now this is something I would love to achieve in 2024 and onwards.


The closest I could get to what contentment means was the following definition: “a state of happiness and satisfaction.”  (ref:  Oxford languages – Google) 

How many of us can say that we are happy or satisfied? On the surface, we can probably say we are mostly happy and satisfied, but somewhere in the deep, true reflection of our hearts and minds, we do wish for the things we think can make us happy.

I personally would love to have enough money to travel the world and see all the various parts of the world and the people that live in it. But I must ask, “would that bring me happiness and satisfaction for the long term?”  If I answer that in the deep true reflection of my heart and mind, it will mean that I need to say “no.”

Timothy in these verses is saying that as we walk in obedience and faithfulness to God and with God, we will have contentment.

This contentment is lifelong, not momentary, and will help us to focus on what God wants from us, and as we do this, we experience more contentment.

A verse which fills me with contentment is from Romans 14:8 “If we live, it is to honour the Lord. And if we die, it is to honour the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”

We belong to the Lord, and this is what brings the best contentment we can find. That means, whether 2024 is good or not, we are content when we live in obedience and faithfulness to the Lord and understand that we belong to Him.

In Closing

 Success is only found in being obedient and faithful to the Lord. What could be greater than having contentment in our lives?

2 Tim 6:8 “If we have enough food and clothes, let us be content.”

What a challenge for us in this day and age. Yes, we do need a place to stay, but let us learn to live within the boundaries of what God calls us to, because when we do, He will ensure those plans He has for us will be kept safe.

I am trusting that in 2024 and onwards, I can learn to be more obedient to God, to be faithful and live consistently doing those things He calls me to, and thus be content.

Yes, this will come at the cost of self, comfort, and convenience, but this is something I am willing to pay a price for, and I trust that you will be willing to do so too.

Let us enter this New Year being consistent in hearing God and obeying Him – the best way to measure success.