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My Inheritance.

By: G Fell

I was about to be Dad of the year. Finally followed all the instruction and was ready to go. Room the right temperature, check, water not to hot not to cold, check, all the creams and wipes ready to go, check, change of clothes ready, check. Ok deep breath, it was time to bath my newborn daughter. Everything was going perfectly. We were both having an awesome time. I got this. However, it was too good to be true and I was about to give my daughter her first core memory of fear. No, I did not drop her in the bath! I did however need to sneeze. The problem is I am holding her with one hand and creaming her with the other. I have not inherited a nice quiet little sneeze from my father but rather a rib breaking shout that puts the fear of God into you when its not expected. Yes, I did sneeze, yes, my daughter got the fright of her life and I have no doubt somewhere in the  future a therapist is going to help her through that moment again later in life, but we laugh about it now when I tell her the story.

Most Christians, when asked what they think about when they hear the word inheritance default to the story of the prodigal son who took his father’s inheritance and wasted it on selfish short-term highs (Luke 15). We may even mention when Jacob cheated Esau out of their blind father’s deathbed blessing by impersonating him for his inheritance (Genisis 27).

What is an Inheritance? Inheritance refers to the assets or gifts that an individual bequeaths to their loved ones after they pass away. Human nature is typically not patient and so this has been known to be handed out even before death. It can also refer to the physical appearances or traits we have that have been passed onto us genetically. Have you ever considered that we as Christians are receivers of an inheritance? YES, it is one that best we could hope for! We are the receivers of our Heavenly Fathers forgiveness through his Son Jesus dying on the cross for us. This is the very core of the Gospel (John 3:16). A blessing that we can receive because of someone else’s love, sacrifice and death for us; JESUS. What is worth celebrating is that this cannot be taken from you, it cannot be stolen from you. There is no Jacob dressing up like you to try and take this away from you. Once we repent and accept Jesus as your Saviour it is yours, for eternity.

This must be the greatest inheritance, far better than any earthy estate, possessions, or physical trait.  As a father I cannot wish for anything greater for my children. That they would be able to step into Gods salvation inheritance fully. I know my kids are far more focused on the physical here and now. My daughter still says, “I’m so glad I don’t sneeze like you dad.”

I wonder sometimes if we can be like my kids sometimes when we go to church. Are we focused more on the things we can see, hear, and do than on the gift of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Are we focused on church or the purpose of church? I grew up in a conservative Baptist church that ran like clockwork. The structure and formalities were the same every week. It’s how I was taught church looked and ran. This is the correct way of doing church right. One song, announcements, 4 or 5 songs follow starting rather lively and ending with calm worship and reflection. Then comes the pastor with a well-structured 3-point message and we go home with a closing song. It was the same every week, for over 20 years.

I learnt so many biblical truths in my time at this church. Truths that I think I am only really starting to be grateful for now in my adult life. However, I also learnt how to pretend to do church. What to say, how to act so that I looked and fitted in with everyone else around me. This is what happens when we focus on the things (structure) of church and not the reason (relationship) for church.

Take a moment to think of what your initial thoughts would be if someone wanted to have the sermon first and the worship after in response to the message. Would this offend you? Is this wrong? Is there a right and wrong order for church?  If this is our focus, then we are missing the greatest gift and inheritance possible for us. A meaningful and focused time with our Heavenly Father. A time when we get to enjoy His love on us and encourage others to step into this great truth.

When you next fellowship at church. Take the time to focus on the reason for going. It’s not just for the coffee (I know that’s a tough one), it’s not just for the good feelings during worship or the thoughtful insights during the sermon. It’s to deepen and strengthen the greatest inheritance of all. Our relationship with our heavenly Father through His son Jesus. The focus is on Him, regardless of what structure that looks like.